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これは私たちの豪華な小さなマーケット バスケットです。頑丈な織りと革のハンドルで、お子様が必要な小物やボブをすべて運ぶのに最適なバスケットです。天然素材を使用した手作りのため、ひとつひとつ微妙に異なります。


サイズ: 長さ - 27cm 、高さ - 15cm。


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Author's name
New York, NY

Include some of your favorite customer quotes and feedback here as social proof, to build credibility and trust for your services and products.

Author's name
New York, NY

Include some of your favorite customer quotes and feedback here as social proof, to build credibility and trust for your services and products.

Author's name
New York, NY